“Can we run a sewer line through Ft. Snelling or Arlington Cemeteries?” A Dakota voice on the Afton Effigy Mound

Kenneth Siyaka, Sisseton-Wahpeton/ Mdewakanton Dakota, USAF retired, wrote the following email on August 30, 2016 to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency:

rattlesnake-drilling-plan - CopyMy opinion is that the sewer lines should NOT go through the Native American effigy mound.

State: we want to run a sewer line through your sacred and historical effigy mound.

Me: No.

State: Why not?

Me: Can we run a sewer line through Ft Snelling or Arlington Cemeteries?

State: No.

Me: Why not?

State: Because they are sacred and historical burial places.

Me: The same reason why you can not go through the Afton effigy mound.

No sewer through the Afton effigy mound, find a different route for your sewer project. Thank you,

Kenneth Siyaka, USAF, ret., – Sisseton-Wahpeton/ Mdewakanton Dakota

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